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Spiritism Today


What is Spiritism?

“Spiritism is the New Science which has come to reveal to mankind by means of irrefutable evidence the existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relation with the physical world.” Book:The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec.

Study of Spiritism

To promote the study, dissemination, demystification, and enlighten practice of the spiristist doctrine.

In it there are  3 aspects:

1. Scientific

2. Philosophical

3. Religious

Laying of the Hands

According to Spiritism, laying on of the hands is defined as “an energy transfusion, changing the cellular field” and “a psychic energy transfusion”. Further, regarding imposition of hands energies, “The spiritual fluids, which constitute one of the states of the universal cosmic fluid, are then the atmosphere of spiritual beings. It is the element whence they draw the materials with which they operate,—the place where special phenomena take place, perceptible to the sight and hearing of the spirit, but which escapes the carnal senses which are impressed alone by tangible matter.

Fraternal Meetings

The fraternal assistance under Spiritistim view of GOD's Love and immortality of the soul is open to everyone in search for guidance, enlightenment, help or consolation of life.


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